L'UM6P lance l'école d'été dédiée aux méthodologies du développement

The Mohammed VI Polytechnic University of Rabat (UM6P) has launched its summer school dedicated to development methodologies. The aim is to train African researchers and project leaders in the field of public policy evaluation. The event, organised in partnership with the French Development Agency (AFD), the Abdul Latif Jameel Action Against Poverty (J-PAL) laboratory, the Fund for Innovation in Development (FID), and the Lab de l'Emploi Maroc (MEL), emphasises the importance of innovation and using research results to improve the quality of education and define public policies in Morocco. The four-day initiative is part of a project that brings together various organisations, such as the Millennium Challenge Account Morocco Agency, to create evidence-based public policy development through rigorous impact assessments and capacity building. The inauguration session was attended by the Minister of national education, preschool and sports, Chakib Benmoussa, who presented the transformation of education in Morocco, with a focus on ensuring teaching quality through the generalisation of a 100% Moroccan preschool model. The school gathers approximately seventy African researchers and project leaders, along with Moroccan and international decision-makers and experts, to strengthen their knowledge of rigorous evaluation methods.

During this inaugural session, Professor Esther Duflo, Nobel laureate in Economics, co-director and co-founder of J-PAL, delivered a presentation on international experiences in the field of education, emphasising the importance of foundational teachings and effective methods to achieve meaningful and impactful education.

Le Matin Maroc

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