Education is a critical tool for reducing poverty, but many education systems are plagued with violence and disrupted classrooms, which has a significant impact on learning outcomes. This is a critical issue in many countries experiencing conflict and its effects.
To highlight this theme, Community Jameel, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Dubai Cares hosted a special session at the Transforming Education Summit, during the 77th United Nations General Assembly in New York.
The session spotlighted the Ejada programme, an initiative in Jordan to strengthen the psychosocial resilience of teachers and of pupils, including Syrian refugees, by the Abdul Latif Jameel World Education Lab, Save the Children, and the Ministry of Education; and UNDP’s advocacy on transforming classrooms through a reduction in violence, including its 2021 report, which found that increased attention to the social and emotional learning of teachers and students can have a dramatic impact on tackling violence in classrooms.
Peacebuilding project manager, UNDP
Deputy Resident Representative, Lebanon country office, UNDP
Teacher Professional Development lead, Save the Children Jordan
Senior associate director, pK-12, J-WEL
Director of Teachers Professional Development Policies Ministry of Education of Jordan
Director, Community Jameel