

Upper body thermal images and associated clinical data from a pilot cohort study of COVID-19

Adam Yala, MIT Abdul Latif Jameel Clinic for AI in Health (MIT Jameel Clinic) alumni, co-author a report about early diagnositic methods for Covid-19 using thermal videos.

The report's abstract reads: 'The prospective upper body thermal images SARS-CoV2 association study was designed to test the hypothesis that thermal videos may aid in the early diagnosis of COVID-19. The study recorded a set of measurements from 252 participants regarding PCR results, demographics, vital signs, participant activities, medications, respiratory symptoms and a thermal video session where the volunteers performed simple breath-hold in four different positions. The acquired data may be used to test clinical association questions regarding temperature patterns, demographics and vital signs. Furthermore, it could be valuable to develop new computer algorithms for extracting useful scientific information from thermal videos.'


Adam Yala
publication date
16 August 2021
Link to publication
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